how blockchain works step by step

What Is Blockchain Technology– Blockchain is a technique for preserving records that makes it hard to forge or hack the system or the data stored on it, making it safe and unchangeable. It was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, according to Wikipedia. It is a specific type of distributed ledger technology (DLT), a digital platform for simultaneously storing transactions and related data in several places. A blockchain network maintains a copy of the ledger on each computer, and all copies are simultaneously updated and validated to prevent a single point of failure.

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Although it differs greatly from conventional databases in terms of how it processes and retains data, blockchain is thought of as a type of database. Unlike traditional databases, which store data in rows, columns, tables, and files, blockchain stores data in blocks that are digitally connected. Blockchains are also decentralized databases that are run by computers connected to a peer-to-peer network, as opposed to conventional databases that are managed by a central computer.

The 2009-released cryptocurrency Bitcoin served as the basis for the first widely utilized blockchain application. As a result, Bitcoin and its rivals Dogecoin and Bitcoin Cash are the ones most frequently linked to the blockchain.

Blockchain is a technology that logistics companies use to track and trace items as they pass through the supply chain. Blockchain technology has been put to the test as a foundation for digital currency exchanges by government central banks and the international financial community. As a foundation for contracts and other methods for transferring and preserving intellectual property rights, blockchain is also being used by a number of businesses, including the legal sector and the entertainment sector.

A lot of businesses are looking into blockchain-based applications as a safe and economical solution to build and run a distributed database and keep track of all kinds of digital transactions.

As a result, blockchain is becoming more and more recognized as a method for safely tracking and exchanging data across various commercial enterprises.

The Operation Of Blockchain And Distributed Ledger Technology

Blockchain operates through a multi-step process, which can be summarized as follows:

  • An authorized user enters a transaction, which is something that technology must authenticate.
  • A block that defines that particular transaction or piece of data is produced by that action.
  • Every computer that is a network node receives the block.
  • A block is added to the current blockchain after the transaction has been verified by authorized nodes. 
  • The transaction is completed when the update is given throughout the network.

What Are The Blockchain’s Business Advantages?

Though a blockchain serves mainly as a database to record transactions, it offers many advantages over conventional databases. Most importantly, it eliminates the potential for tampering by a bad party and offers the following business advantages:

  1. Savings in time: Transaction durations are reduced by days to minutes by using blockchain. Due to the lack of a need for central authority authentication, transaction settlement is quicker.
  2. Cost reductions: Transactions require less supervision. Direct exchange of valuables is allowed between participants. Blockchain prevents effort duplication since users have access to a common ledger.
  3. Increased security: The security characteristics of blockchain guard against fraud, manipulation, and cybercrime.

Types Of Blockchain Networks

A blockchain network can be constructed in a variety of ways. They may be created by a consortium, be permissioned, public, or private.

1- Networks of Public Blockchains

A public blockchain, like the one used by Bitcoin, is one that anyone can join and use. Some disadvantages include the need for a lot of computing capabilities, a lack of privacy for transactions, and shoddy security. These are crucial factors to take into account for blockchain use cases in businesses.

2- Networks of Private Blockchains

A decentralized peer-to-peer network, a private blockchain network is equivalent to a publicly accessible blockchain. An individual firm, however, controls the network’s governance, executing a consensus procedure and managing the shared ledger. Based on the use scenario, this can greatly increase participant confidence and trust. Running a private blockchain behind a company firewall and even hosting it on-site are also options.

3- Networks on Blockchains with Permission

Companies that create a private blockchain typically create a network that is permissioned. It’s crucial to remember that public blockchain networks can have permissions as well. As a result, there are limitations on which transactions and who can participate in the network. Participants must have an invitation or permission to participate.

4- Consortium Blockchains

A blockchain’s maintenance might be split across several companies. The individuals who are allowed to submit transactions or view the data are chosen beforehand by these organizations. When everyone involved in a business transaction needs to have permission and share ownership of the blockchain, a consortium blockchain is the best option.

How Blockchain Works?

  • Blockchain aims to make it possible to share and record digital information without editing it. 
  • A blockchain serves as the basis for immutable ledgers, or records of transaction data that cannot be changed, removed, or destroyed. Blockchains are also referred to as distributed ledger technology (DLT) because of this.
  • There are two different kinds of records found in a blockchain ledger: blocks and individual transactions. The first block contains a headline and information on transactions that happened within a specific time frame. The timestamp of the block is used to aid in constructing an alphanumeric string known as a hash.
  • After the initial block is created, each block in the ledger utilizes the hash of the block that came before it to calculate its own hash.
  • A computational procedure known as validation or consensus must be used to confirm the legitimacy of each new block before it can be included in the chain. 
  • The majority of nodes in the network must concur at this stage of the blockchain process that the hash of the new block was accurately calculated. Consensus makes ensuring that the distributed ledger on a blockchain always has the same state.
  • A block can only be referenced after it has been inserted; it cannot be altered beyond that point.
  • The hashes for earlier and later blocks will also change if someone tries to swap out a block, which will mess up the common state of the ledger.
  • The network’s other computers are alerted when consensus is no longer achievable, and until the issue is resolved, no new blocks will be added to the chain. 
  • The error-causing block is often removed, and the consensus procedure is repeated.


In this article, we have provided details on What Is Blockchain Technology And How It Work? It is important to know about it as a blockchain network is a distributed digital ledger that enables users to securely store and exchange information. 

The register is maintained by a spread network of computers, and each transaction is confirmed by agreement among network users.

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