Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer system to mimic human cognitive functions like learning and problem-solving. Via artificial intelligence, a computer system may imitate human judgment in order to gain knowledge from new information and make decisions.

Read: Differences Between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

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Types of AI Services: Vertical AI and Horizontal AI.

Vertical AI: These services, which may include meeting planning or repetitive work automation, are concentrated on a specific task. Vertical AI Bots handle one specific task for you so expertly that we might mistake them for a person.

Horizontal AI: These services are designed in a way that allows them to handle various jobs. No single task needs to be completed. Some examples of horizontal AI are Cortana, Siri, and Alexa. They are effective for a variety of jobs, not just one specific task.

What Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Do?

  • It is now possible for a machine to mimic human behavior thanks to artificial intelligence technologies.
  • AI attempts to develop intelligent computer systems that can deal with difficult problems like people.
  • With AI, we build intelligent computers that are capable of performing any task in the same way as a human.
  • The two main subareas of artificial intelligence are deep learning and machine learning.
  • There are different uses for artificial intelligence.
  • The aim of AI is to create intelligent systems capable of handling a wide range of difficult tasks.
  • The purpose of AI systems is to improve success rates.
  • The most well-known uses of AI are Siri, intelligent humanoid robots, expert systems, online gaming, catboat customer service, and others.
  • Based on its capabilities, AI can be divided into three categories: weak AI, general AI, and strong AI.
  • Learning, thinking, and self-improving are all included.
  • Structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data are all handled completely by AI.

Basics Of Artificial Intelligence AI

Understanding AI-  In general, artificially intelligent systems are capable of carrying out activities that are frequently linked to human cognitive abilities, like understanding speech, engaging in games, and spotting patterns. They often acquire this skill by sifting through vast volumes of data and seeking for patterns to mimic in their own judgment. Humans will frequently oversee an AI’s learning process, rewarding wise choices and criticizing poor ones. Yet, some AI systems are built to learn on their own, for instance by repeatedly playing a video game until they figure out the rules and how to win.

Strong AI vs. Weak AI

Intelligence is difficult to describe, which is why strong AI and weak AI are often distinguished by AI professionals.

Strong Artificial Intelligence

A computer with strong AI, commonly referred to as artificial general intelligence, can tackle problems it has never been taught to address, much like a human can. The robots from Westworld and the character Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation are examples of this type of artificial intelligence. There isn’t truly any AI of this kind yet.

The creation of a computer with human-level intelligence that can be applied to any activity is the Holy Grail for many AI researchers, but the road to artificially intelligent machines has not been smooth. However, some people think that research into powerful AI should be restricted because of the dangers of developing such a powerful AI without the necessary protections.

Strong AI, in contrast to weak AI, depicts a computer with a full set of cognitive abilities and an equally large range of application cases, but the challenge of accomplishing such a feat hasn’t become any easier with time.

Weak Artificial Intelligence

Weak AI, also known as narrow AI or specialized AI, operates in a constrained environment and simulates human intellect in the context of a specifically defined problem (like driving a car, transcribing human speech, or curating content on a website).

Weak AI frequently focuses on excelling at a single activity. Despite the fact that these robots appear clever, they are subject to much more restrictions and limits than even the most primitive human intellect.

Weak AI examples include:

  • Siri, Alexa, and other smart assistants
  • Self-driving cars
  • Google search
  • Conversational bots
  • Email spam filters
  • Netflix’s recommendations

4 Categories of Artificial Intelligence

Based on the kinds and levels of difficulty of the tasks a system is capable of performing, AI can be categorized into four categories. As follows:

  1. Reactive machines
  2. Limited memory
  3. Theory of mind
  4. Self-awareness

1. Reactive Machines AI

A reactive computer, as its name implies, can only use its intellect to perceive and respond to the circumstances in front of it, and it does so in accordance with the most fundamental AI principles. A reactive machine appears to lack memory, which prevents it from drawing on the past to inform judgments made today.

Reactive machines can only perform a small number of highly specialized tasks because they are only capable of experiencing the world immediately. But, intentionally limiting a reactive machine’s viewpoint has advantages: This kind of AI will be more dependable and trustworthy, and it will consistently respond the very same way to the same inputs.

Examples of Reactive Machines

  1. In a game of chess, Deep Blue, a supercomputer created by IBM in the 1990s, defeated Gary Kasparov, an international grandmaster. Deep Blue was only capable of identifying the chess pieces on a board, understanding how each moves in accordance with the game’s rules, recognizing each piece’s present location, and selecting the move that seemed most reasonable at the time. The computer wasn’t trying to better place its own pieces or anticipate prospective movements from the other player. Every turn was seen as having its own reality, distinct from any previous movement.
  2. While AlphaGo from Google is unable to predict movements in the future, it depends on its own neural network to analyze game developments in the present, giving it an advantage over Deep Blue in a more challenging game. In 2016, champion Go player Lee Sedol was defeated by AlphaGo, which has already defeated other top-tier opponents in the game.

2. Limited Memory AI

AI with a limited amount of memory has the ability to preserve previous information and predictions when gathering data and considering options, effectively going back in time to find clues regarding what could happen next. Reactive machines don’t offer the complexity or possibility that AI with limited memory does.

The concept of limited memory AI was created when a team continuously trained a model on how to analyze and use new data, or an AI environment was built to train and renew models automatically without needing to change the model.

The following six steps need to be implemented when using ML with limited memory AI:

  • Establish training data
  • Create the machine learning model
  • Ensure the model can make predictions
  • Ensure the model can receive human or environmental feedback
  • Store human and environmental feedback as data
  • Reiterate the steps above as a cycle

3. Theory of Mind AI

Theory of mind is mere that—theoretical. The technological and scientific advancements required to reach this advanced level of AI have not yet been attained.

The idea is founded on the psychological knowledge that one’s own behavior is influenced by the thoughts and feelings of other living creatures. This would imply that AI computers may understand how people, animals, and other machines feel and decide things through introspection and determination, and then use that knowledge to make their own decisions. In general, machines would need to be able to understand and interpret the concept of the “mind,” the changes in emotions during decision-making, and a multitude of other psychological notions in real-time, establishing a two-way interaction between people and AI.

4. Self-Awareness AI

The final stage of AI development will be for it to become self-aware after the theory of mind has been created, which will likely take a very long time. This sort of AI is conscious and on par with humans and is aware of both its own presence and the presence and emotional states of others. It would assist in being able to comprehend what other people could need based on both what they say to them and how they say it.

AI self-awareness depends on human researchers being able to comprehend the basis of consciousness and then figure out how to replicate it in machines.

Artificial Intelligence’s Challenges and Limitations

Even though AI is unquestionably viewed as a significant and expanding asset, this new field is not without its problems.

10,260 Individuals were surveyed by the Pew Research Center in 2021 on their opinions on AI. The results show that 37% of respondents are both excited and concerned, and 45% are more concerned than excited. However, more than 40% of respondents stated they thought driverless cars would be bad for society. Despite said, more survey participants (almost 40%) believed that using AI to monitor the spread of false information on social media was a good idea.

AI is a boon since it boosts production and efficiency while reducing the likelihood of human error. Yet, there are some disadvantages as well, such as the cost of development and the possibility that machines would replace human jobs. Yet it’s crucial to keep in mind that the field of artificial intelligence has the potential to create a wide range of jobs, some of which haven’t even been thought of yet.

Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The implementation of artificial intelligence is a challenging and costly task when one considers the processing costs and the technical data infrastructure that enable it. Certainly, there have been significant advances in computing technology, as demonstrated by Moore’s Law, which claims that the price of computers is cut in half while the number of transistors on a microchip doubles roughly every two years.

Without Moore’s Law, deep learning wouldn’t be economically viable until the 2020s, according to a number of academics. Moore’s Law has had a big impact on current AI approaches. As per a recent study, Moore’s Law has actually been outpaced by AI innovation, which doubles roughly every six months as opposed to every 2 years.

According to such reasoning, over the past few years, artificial intelligence has highly improved a number of industries. Throughout the coming decades, there is a strong possibility for an even bigger influence. 

How is AI Being Used Today?

AI is presently employed widely in many different areas, with varying degrees of sophistication. Common AI applications include chatbots that may be found on websites or in the form of smart speakers, as well as recommendation algorithms that recommend what you could possibly like next (e.g., Alexa or Siri). AI is used to automate industrial procedures, decrease a variety of duplicate cognitive tasks, and produce forecasts for the economy and the weather (e.g., tax accounting or editing). Other applications of AI include language processing, operating automated cars, and gaming.

How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Used in the Medical Field?

AI is utilized in healthcare environments to support diagnoses. AI is very effective at seeing minute irregularities in scans and is better at making a diagnosis based on a patient’s symptoms and vital signs. Artificial Intelligence is also used to handle insurance claims, categorize patients, and record and retain medical data. Robotic surgery with AI assistance, virtual nurses, and doctors, as well as collaborative clinical judgment, are all anticipated breakthroughs in the future.


AI has started a shift that cannot be stopped. To be competitive, every business is going to need to incorporate AI and build an AI ecosystem. During the next ten years, businesses that don’t utilize AI in some way risk falling behind.

Although your company may be the exception, the majority of organizations lack the internal knowledge and expertise needed to build the kind of environment and services that can used above AI capabilities.

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